Iceland: High Impact Investing

Alfa Framtak III: Positive impact investing in Iceland

Impact Investment:
Alfa Framtak III (AF3)

Iceland's largest independent private equity firm has a strong focus on sustainability

-Alfa Framtak believes in having positive impact and making a meaningful difference through private equity

-The European Investment Fund (EIF) is planning to invest in AF3 as part of their Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability

-AF3 will allocate a minimum 30% of the fund to sectors that are sustainable

-Alfa Framtak is among the top 20% European PE managers based on UN PRI scores

-AF3 will be an EU Article 8 fund in accordance with SFDR

-All company investments have an initial and ongoing plan to improve sustainability

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Iceland Investing
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Alfa Framtak III is set to close early 2025
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Alfa Framtak

Iceland's first independent private equity firm

Research Paper

Iceland's Green Frontier: Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds Fuel Sustainable Investments

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Explore the venture capital and private equtiy funds of Iceland

New Iceland Advisors